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Innovative and Effective Seasonal Displays

30 May 2023 • 7 min read
Main page » Industry Solutions » Innovative and Effective Seasonal Displays

Seasonal or temporary displays are a type of point-of-purchase (POP) display designed to last for a specific season or time period. They are often used to promote new or seasonal products, increase impulse purchases, or create a festive atmosphere in the store. 

However, seasonal displays also have some disadvantages that need to be considered before implementing them. The problem is that they require frequent replacement and disposal, which can increase costs and environmental impact.

To avoid these disadvantages, retailers should follow some best practices when using seasonal or temporary displays, such as:

  • Plan ahead and coordinate with suppliers and manufacturers to ensure timely delivery and installation of the displays;
  • Choose appropriate locations and sizes for the displays that do not interfere with traffic flow or product visibility;
  • Use eye-catching graphics, colours, and lighting to make the displays stand out and convey a clear message;
  • Monitor and evaluate the performance of the displays and make adjustments as needed based on sales data and customer feedback;
  • Dispose of the displays responsibly and recycle or reuse them if possible.

On the other hand, instead of using physical banners, you can try virtual displays. They do not possess the disadvantages of seasonal displays and look more attractive.

Virtual displays

Virtual displays are digital representations of products or scenes that can be projected onto walls, windows or screens. They can be easily changed, customised and updated according to the needs and preferences of the retailer and the customer. 

Virtual displays can also offer interactive features, such as allowing customers to browse through different options, zoom in on details, or even try on products virtually. Virtual displays can save space, money and resources, enhance the customer experience and increase sales.

They are cost-effective. Virtual displays do not require physical materials, labour, space, or time. You only need to create them once and update them as needed. You can also reuse them for different occasions or locations. You do not have to worry about waste or the environmental impact either.

They are flexible. Virtual displays can be easily changed or updated to reflect the latest trends, customer feedback, or market conditions. You can also customise them for different segments or preferences of your customers. You can show different products or services depending on the season, the location, the time of day, or the customer profile.

They are interactive and engaging. Virtual displays can provide more information and features for your customers than seasonal or temporary displays. You can add videos, animations, sounds, reviews, ratings, testimonials, social media links, and more. You can also enable your customers to interact with your products or services in various ways, such as zooming in and out, rotating, changing colours or sizes, trying them on virtually, comparing them with others, adding them to a wishlist or a cart, and more.

Holographic display systems

In order to make the most out of virtual displays, consider using 3D Holographic display systems that possess simultaneously all the pros of virtual displays and make one more step ahead towards innovations and adverting effectiveness. Holographic displays can be an attention-grabbing and engaging form of advertising, offering unique visual experiences that can captivate audiences.

Visual Appeal. Holographic displays create three-dimensional images that appear to float in space, which can be visually striking and captivating. This unique characteristic can attract attention and make advertisements more memorable, potentially leading to better brand recognition and recall.

Immersive Experience. Holographic displays can provide a more immersive experience for viewers compared to other virtual displays. By creating the illusion of objects or characters existing in physical space they can enhance the sense of presence and make the advertising message more impactful.

Novelty and Wow Factor. Holographic displays are still relatively uncommon in everyday life, and their novelty can generate a “wow” factor that captures people’s attention. This novelty can be especially useful in crowded advertising environments, where advertisers seek to differentiate themselves and stand out from competitors.

Storytelling Potential. Holographic displays offer the potential to tell stories in a visually compelling way. With the ability to showcase products or concepts from multiple angles and perspectives, holographic displays can enhance storytelling capabilities, making advertising messages more engaging and memorable.


Innovative formats of advertising displays are more effective than traditional banners or text ads in capturing the attention and interest of visitors. Rich media ads use advanced features such as animation, video, audio, interactivity, or expansion to create a more engaging and immersive experience for the audience.

Innovative formats of advertising displays are more effective because they attract more attention, generate more engagement, and deliver more information than standard display ads. They also allow advertisers to showcase their creativity and differentiate themselves from competitors.


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