Q: How to adjust RPM?

Adjustable RPM

Adjustable RPM


To make the most of the 3D content and take picture-perfect footage of the HYPERVSN in action, use a newly added adjustable rotation speed (Revolutions Per Minute/RPM) feature available for MS and MS-L devices.

  • It allows for adjusting the rotation speed of your device manually from the current 670 and up to 750 and 900 RPM.
  • It is perfect for the set-ups with a protective shield, like our HYPERVSN Dome.
  • It means you can film HYPERVSN easily with most Android and iOS devices. No more flickering footage, cut-up content or “pizza" sliced pictures – as the device’s rays will not be able to be seen spinning on camera.
  • Yes, now you can have your HYPERVSN installation all over your social media feed!


Tech guidelines to get adjustable RPM (pdf)

Video tutorial on how to adjust RPM

Blog Post on How to Shoot Holographic content & Use it in Your Marketing

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